Better Nutrition Karela Jamun Juice | 100% Ayurvedic | Helps Lower Bad Cholesterol | Controls Blood Sugar Level | Diabetic Care | 1L
BLOOD SUGAR: Karela and Jamun are traditional ingredients that improve blood sugar levels. Karela contains a compound called Polypeptide-p or p-insulin, which has been researched to control diabetes naturally. A very potent drink for Diabetic patients for greater energy levels, lower blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol levels. Scientifically, bitter gourd supports the amount of glucose that is released by inhibiting the enzymes that break down disaccharides into two monosaccharides
LOWERS CHOLESTEROL: Karela Jamun juice is anti-inflammatory and helps reduce the harmful cholesterol levels in the body, strengthening the heart. It’s packed with potassium and absorbs excessive sodium, which helps maintain blood pressure in the body. Karela is also known to contain iron and folic acid, which reduces the risk of heart stroke and keeps your heart healthy.
DETOXIFIES THE LIVER: Better Nutrition Karela and Jamun juice cleans your bowel and strengthens liver functioning.
