HomeHome and KitchenKitchen and Home AppliancesSmall Kitchen AppliancesKettles and Hot Water DispensersElectric Kettles Electric Kettles Showing all 3 results Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low Pigeon Amaze Plus Electric Kettle 1.5 L, Stainless Steel Body with Auto Shut-off Feature Used for Boiling Water – (Silver) ₹1,245 BUY NOW 2021-10-02 Pigeon by Stovekraft Zen Kettle with Stainless Steel Body, 1.8 litres with 1500 Watt, Boiler for Water, Milk, Tea, Coffee, Instant Noodles, Soup etc ₹1,795 BUY NOW 2021-10-10 - 63% Wonderchef Crescent Electric Kettle 1.5 Litres, 2 years Warranty ₹1,600 ₹599 BUY NOW 2024-02-05